We rise by lifting others
Welcome to Elev8 (Elevate) Hot Yoga. We are glad you took the first steps in taking action to a better YOU! Here at Elev8, we pride ourselves on creating an experience that is accessible for ANY BODY. You will find a safe and clean space for you to grow and get stronger, no matter your age, size, or experience. Here our goal is to help you feel lifted, supported and stronger.
Congratulations again, for making the effort.
We don’t want to scare you, but we do want to prepare you….
Our rooms are heated. You will be encouraged to work hard and at some point you may feel dizzy or nauseous. This is normal! Please do not leave the room. Instead, take a moment to tie on your mat. Breathe and let it pass. Surrendering is part of the process, so don’t give up—you will soon find that the heat is essential in the work that we are doing together.
Here are a few other tips we’d like to share for your success:
- You need a yoga mat, large towel to put over your mat, bottle of water and small towel to clean your space after.
- After class you will receive a iced towel with essential oils to aid in recovery. It is meant for your face and neck. Please leave it in the basket at the door.
- We encourage you to reserve your mat space online, in additional you will need to sign in at the front desk to acknowledge you have arrived. (keycards available)
- Be on time. Be prepared, in the room and ready for class. Discipline is a part of yoga tradition. Arriving late may result in a missed class. We do lock the front doors for your safety.
- Stay in the room for your entire class. Every class will be different and staying is part of the process. You will be so proud you did!
- The hot room is a sanctuary for many. Please leave all extra belongings in a cubby or in the lobby. Voices should be used sparingly and quietly. Shhhh.
- NO talking once class has begun. The teachers are always available in the lobby before and after class for questions or ooncems.
- We encourage you to take your next class as soon as possible. This will help your recovery and allow you to acclimate to the heat much faster.
- Take a variety of classes. Don’t be afraid to try new things. We are here to YOUR GROWTH!? Remember. we all started somewhere and we will meet you where you are.
New Student 1 on 1
For thousands of years yoga was taught in a one-on-one dialogue and demonstration practice from teacher to student. Only in the last 150 years have teachers been leading yoga classes to large groups of people. The variety and types of yoga classes offered today are highly influenced by American exercise culture, music, and spirituality. Conversely, each student has a different set of needs and desires when it comes to their yoga practice. Depending on one’s health and injury history and physicality, certain postures or classes may be contraindicated, while others will provide opening and relief from long time pains and stress.
How Much is it?
Usually a private session starts at $120. Here at Elev8, we want everyone to have the chance to get some 1 on 1 time
with a qualified instructor to make sure they are practicing safely.
Buy Now Price: $85
Text (206) 651-7353 to schedule!
some restrictions apply*


Core Strength

6 Movements of the Spine

What's the Welcome to Yoga Orientation?
First of all, it isn't mandatory or required, but it is a great way to have one of our instructors walk your through the elements of yoga and help you measure your starting point to a wonderful yoga practice for years to come.


Mind/Body Connection